Hours: Monday | Tuesday | Thursday | Friday: 9am - 5pm | Saturday: 9am - 1pm | Closed Wednesday & Sunday

Seneca Gun Sports Firearm Training

NRA Basic Pistol Shooting - $95

Seneca Gun Sports Basic Pistol Shooting

The main objective of this beginning course is to teach the basic knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for owning and using a pistol safely.

Students will learn:

  • The principal parts of a pistol
  • Types of pistol actions
  • How different pistol actions function - (We bring 12 different handguns for you to handle)
  • NRA rules for safe gun handling
  • Guidelines for selecting and purchasing a pistol
  • How to safely clean a pistol
  • How to properly identify and store ammunition
  • Identify major types of cartridge malfunctions and how to react to them
  • The fundamentals of pistol shooting
  • Shooting from both bench-rest and standing positions

This is an 8 hour instructor-led course, additional time may be desirable in order for students to develop skills before moving on to the next lesson.

Steuben & Seneca counties require NRA Basic training, Seneca Gun Sports is listed by Steuben & Seneca counties as a recommended trainer.

The certificate for successful completion of the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting course can be used to obtain a Florida non-resident concealed carry permit.

Pistol permit holders live fire (shoot actual guns), pistol permit applicants shoot airsoft pistols, however the permit applicant still learns the same shooting fundamentals.

This NRA Basic course qualifies you for other NRA training.

Defensive Handgun Training - $95

This is a USCCA (US Concealed Carry Association) Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals course.

Seneca Gun Sports Defensive Handgun Training

This course is meant for those pistol permit holders who are comfortable in shooting their own pistol and want to take the next step into defensive shooting.

The course covers:

  • Conflict avoidance
  • Situational awareness
  • Home security
  • Home defense
  • Handgun basics review
  • Shooting fundamentals review
  • The physiology of violent encounters
  • The legal aspects of using deadly force

During this course there will be five shooting drills to explain and practice speed vs accuracy, clearing a jam and the trigger's break and reset point.

In addition to bringing your handgun, you will need:

  • Eye/ear protection
  • A holster (no cross draws please) for your gun
  • 100 rounds of ammunition

Seneca Gun Sports
4705 Route 14
Rock Stream, NY 14878
(607) 243-7243